The butterfly lion

Name of the book
The butterfly lion

Arthur Michael Morpurgo

Genre Children's story

Characters  Bertie,Millie,The white prince

Setting Timbavati in Africa,England,France

Summary A long time ago there lived a family and a child called Bertie he lived in Africa. One day he saw lots of hyenas at the pound, Bertie walk up and ran down stares and took stones and began to fro at them. Then her mum came and put the pistil in the the air and fired and all the hyenas ran a way. She saw a little muddy lion cub  and took it in the bath and washed it and it started to get white and it was a white lion and they keep the white lion and then a long time latter when Bertie was 10 and the lion grow also. now he had to eat more food and could not keep it, so they had to take too the circus. But Bertie did not what to give the white lion to the circus she tried to chase the white lion but the lion came back. The Bertie took the shot gun and BANG, Bertie shot the built over the white lion ran away Then the white lion came back to Bertie. And the french man took the white lion and went to the circus. Then a long long long time ago Bertie was 20 years old and went to the army and saved 2 people and got a badge. Then when Bertie was walking on the pave met and so a circus and ran and talked to the circus man then the circus man said the lion is in a destroyed farm and Bertie went in the destroyed farm and saw the white lion and the white lion came to Bertie and rube Bertie on the leg and then the went to the church but the white lion must stay out side. Then a long time ago the white lion died and that was the end of  the story

Lesson from book A kind story

.My feelings about book Exciting
The Butterfly Lion


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